Tuesday, 29 July 2008

i’m so damn teparrrr….

Huhuhuh.. yeah, I m very very very very tired these last 2 days. I didn’t sleep on Sunday..hmm, actually I slept at 03.30 (Monday morning)..and I wake up around 5.30 (only 2 hours, man!), after shubuh prayer, I went to bed again.. hehe, ‘til 6.30. then I had my brkfast and took a bath, then I went to my college. There was a psychology (or something) class. I was 15’ late. Then, after class, I went to computer store, named IT-store on Jalan Kaliurang. I bought Screen Guard for my camera; and I bought headset. Hey, finally I found this kinda headset!! I was also looking for electronic dictionary. Then, I went to cilacs (one of English course in jogja). I just took some brochures for my boss in my office. After that, I went to my office.. as soon as I got my office, I prepared the brochures that I took from 5 english courses in jogja. I typed the recap of the brochures, then I gave ‘em to my boss. Then, I was spinning around to the assignment for today. It’s about mySQL.. I used the MAMP (Macintosh Apache MySql Php) software to do that. it made me goin’ insane.. there were so many errors on my program…huff. But, luckily, I have a very smart friend at my office, called Pak Dosen a.k.a Mas Nur. He was the jagoannya –master- IT at my office.. he taught me how to normalize data and how to get the most proper program. But, the problem was..Pak Dosen left da office around 4 pm to buy a laptop for my office. He told me that he would come back at 5. But, he came back at 6.16…uhh la laa… its okay anyways. Then, we were back to the assignment, and finally it’s done at 21.14! BROKEN RECORD! I left office at 21.14…waw.. the next things wereeeee…. u knw wht, my phone cell battery was EMPTY. Unlucky me #1. Then, I rode my motorcycle to my home and it was sooooo cold, man.. (sumpe, dingin bgt wlp da pake kaos kaki, slayer, ma kaos tgn..tp dinginnya ituh merasuk tulang..huehe..bkin pala mules, perut cekot2, gigi gemrotok..paan tuch..?huehe..pokoknya dingin, asli!!). pluzzz perjalanan 30’ kerumah. Unlucky me #2. I had almost all red light signals at the inter junction. Unlucky me #3. My gas was almost empty, so I have to go to the gas station early in the morning. Unlucky me #4. Then, it was 22pm and can u imagine how cold the water in da bathroooommm….??? Unlucky me #5. Then, my assignment was not totally done yet. So, I have to do the rest of the assg. Unlucky me #6. I was so sleepyyyyy (I just slept for 2 hrs….). Unlucky me #7. My printer wasn’t okay enuff. Unlucky me #8. There was no food at all to eat. Haghaghag.. my mom thought dat I had my dinner. Huhuhu….snifff. Unlucky me #9. Satu lagi unlucky me dapet kipas..tapi sayangnya (eh, alhamdulillah) gag ada #10. Hueheu.

BUT, ALL IN ALL…. I was VERY LUCKY anywaysssss….cozz, I have totally done my assg ;) I downloaded many videos of Michael Buble from you tube….(makin malem ternyatah internet kantor makin cwepwetttt…yesss!). at 22.30 I watched ANTV and there was Kerispatih (ada siaran ulang yang selalu saya tunggu2…kerispatih nyanyiin I dun wanna miss a thing nyah aerosmithhh… keren abizzzzz…-gag pake liat c sammy, dengerin aj suaranyah yang tobh itu!). hMm, remember, I got my dream headset with the low price.hihi.. (sayang, warnany gda yg putih..kan cucok sama mac saya kalo putih..).

Dan..yang saya sukai dari hari kmrn adalah..saya dikejar deadline without pressure. U knw wht, saya suka deadline tp saya ngga suka kalo dipressure.. contohnya gini, kalo misal ada deadline tugas bwt besok, dan kita baru SEMPET garap hari ini. So, kita pasti trburu2 kan..tapi gda yg mem-pressure kita. Terserah kita, mw kelar atw ngga..itu urusan kita. Harapannya c pasti kelar yah, tp kalo engga, yaaa…paling ngefeknya ke nilai. Hehe..gag dink. Saya berusaha did my very best kok. Insya Allah. Okey, I m so tired rite now. Masih banyak list bwt hari ini dan (of cozzz) minggu ini. Nanti saya masi harus ke asuransi2 (bwt data thesis), PHOTO SESSION (wakakakak) bwt pasuporu a.k.a passport, sore nyebarin undangan meridnya kakak (saia maw naek sepedahh..hhe* dekettt kok). Malemm..Hmm..ngapain yah enaknya? Garap tgs bwt kamis..garap thesis? Hduhhhh….there will be no rest for diiiz tired eyes. Hukzzz..

But hey guys, listen up….

so make the best of diz test and dun ask why, it’s not a question but a LESSON LEARN IN TIME. It’s sth unpredictable but in the end it’s right, I hope u had the time of ur life…..
(time of ur life – green day)

jadi, intinya: bikin hidup lebih hidupp!! Caijo… ;) tetap semangattttttt (mw agustusan euyyyy!)



Friday, 25 July 2008

Leaving On A Jet Plane

All my bags are packed; I’m ready to go
I’m standing here, outside ur door
I hate to wake u up to say goodbye…

But the dawn is breaking its early morn
The taxi’s waiting, he’s blowing his horn
Already I’m so lonesome, I could die…

So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you’ll wait for me
Hold me like you’ll never let me go
Coz I’m leaving on a jet plane
Don’t know when I’ll be back again
Oh babe… I hate to go

There’s so many times I’ve let u down
So many times I’ve played around
I tell u now, they don’t mean a thing
Every place I go, I’ll think of u
Every song I sing, I’ll sing for u
When I come back, I’ll wear ur wedding ring

Now the time has come to leave u
One more time and let me kiss u
Close your eyes and I’ll be on my way
Dream about the days to come
When I won’t have to leave alone
About the times that I won’t have to say…

buat yang ngerasa pernah nyanyi bareng sama aku, maen gitar bareng sama aku, ngajarin aku chord nya lagu ini…bwt yg ngerasa inget lagu ini waktu mw brgkt umroh…bwt yang ngasi taw saya betapa historic nya lagu ini…dan, bwt yg ngerasa lagu ini dalemm…hehehe.. pa kabar heyy!

Wednesday, 23 July 2008

hectic week!

dear all..
diz is the most hectic week of 2008...u knw watzzz...so lil' time,so much to dooooo!!

saya baru dkasi surat dr diknas kemaren jumat bahwa saya sama mas gupit-teman kul s2- bakal berangkat ke thailand bwt kuliah (it called sandwich program) dsono 1 semester...dan itu cepet bgt..bulan agustus besok saya harus udah d thai, arrival period nya not later than aug 13. huff..

PADAHAL...saya belom ngurus paspor dan temen2nyah ntuw -visa etc-, medical check-up, tuz wht bout my thesis...hiks. saya belom sempet nyari data.huhuhu...tuz kakak saya maw merid tgl 8 agustus...what shoulda do, then...

hari senin kemaren, saya sama mas aris-temen kantor yg rencana mw ke s'pore- ngurus paspor di kantor imigrasi. ihhh..kantorx ngeri amirr..rusak2nya coz gempa 2th yg lalu belom dperbaiki. coba blg Pak Iman Satyarno (dosen saya yg jagoannya retrofitting bangunan). huehehe..eh tapi jangan nyuruh saya bwt rekonstruksi itu..cozzzzz nilai saya dodollll bgdz dikelas Pak Iman. hahaha.. doesn't matter eniwei..hehe.. i dun even care with GPA! apalah arti GPA..hha.. ayo galakkan proses penurunan GPA.hhe..* gag dinx, ntr kalo jeblok, living costx mandek...huhuhu.. sambelll!!!

back to main point...itu yah kantor imigrasi..udah kantorx ngerikiti gituh,tuz saya sama mas aris sampek sana jam 14.15...apa yang terjadi sodara2...jeng jeng jenggggg....TUTUP. huuuuuu..PNS macam apah ituh...katanya c jam kerja dari jam8 mp jam14... yayy...okei okei.. tuzz..hari ini saya kesana lagi jam13. yes, jam13!! sekali lagi, jam13....TUTUP.!@#$%^^&%*&^^%$*)
gag taw apa yah..kalo pagi itu saya kuliah dari jam8, jd bisanya kesono siangan,, ngerti dkit napeee....hikssss...berapa kali lagi saya harus bolakbalik kesonooooo??

yayayyyy...okley okley..i have to face diz week anyhooo. apapun. apapun. you go gurl!
key..i get to go..mw medical check-up nie..d0akN saia biar lulus!huehe.. cozz baru flu batuk pluz meller. hha*



Monday, 21 July 2008

....dear world...*

hey all..pgn ikutan nge-blog nie..keyna asik aj,,bs cerita,curhat,sgala macem dsni ;*) )

huMm,,nama saya Tisara Sita.simple yap?yah,i thx my mom&dad for giving me dat name..i luv dat name so much,i do..hhe..narsiscus.panggil aj tisa..some people call me tisol or sasha or sita or sorosoto (anin says that!).hueheuhee.. kadang d kantor ad yg manggil 'adek kecil' or provikids (mas treee!).haha.. Anyhooo..seneng punya nama ituw cuz kalo pas ujian ntah itu toefl atw ujian cpns kmrn atw sgala ujian yg pake ngitemin bulet2 itu,ngisi kolom nama gag perlu lama2 cuz pendek.hehe..saya ex sipil univ.islam indonesia -yogyakarta- angkatan 03..skrg saya kerja di Dept.Pekerjaan Umum, Perencanaan dan Pengawasan Jalan dan Jembatan Prov.D.I.Yogyakarta. Skrg ini saya jg baru lanjut kuliah Magister Teknik Sipil di UII..mg aj cpt kelar.hehe..caijo!

Well,i m 22 yrs old. impian saya bs liat big match d old trafford (markasny club sepakbola Manchester Utd.).of cozzzz d UK..yeah,i luv MU since i was 11 or 12..tapi katany tiket bwt ntn itu superduper mahal.hikss..kdu nabung dl yeup?brp taon??xixi..yah,smg ad yg brbaik hati ngajakin saya kesana ;p tuz,,ma fave color is BROWN.yes,brown!byk yg heran knp bs suka warna yg sdikit nyleneh ini..gag taw ya..brown a.k.a coklat itu bwt saya,okz bgt lah,so simple n chic..hhe* i was so tomboyish banget,tp skrg gag terlalu gituh..inget umur,non..hehehe.

saya sukkaaaa bgt liat pertandinganny MU.apapun,asal MU.saya suka Ronaldo..sblmny saya sebel bgt sm Mr.CR7 itu,tp after world cup 2006..dy kan nglakuin 'kesalahan' yg ngebikin nagari Inggirisu gagal msk semifinal tuw..nah,tuz pas musim kompetisi EPL after kejadian itu,dy kan maen d club MU yg notabene ad d inggris..otoomatiisss,,public inggris sebel dunx ya ma dy.tuz stiap dy bawa bola,evrybody yelled ''huuuuuu....''.OwhMG! kl saya jadi dy mgkn ud tri sutrisno (eitz..stress) kali ya..tp ap yg dy lakuin?dy cueeekkksssss,supercuek dgn cemoohan itu.he was the 1st enemy of englishman..he did his very best,dy improve his skill,dy ud minta maab sm rooney dan org2 england..dan smw org-termasuk saya- jadi kagum ma dy,,dgn skill individu ny dy..fighting spiritny dy,dan mental dy yg saya akui T.O.P B.G.T. dan skrg?he did it!My Aldo berhasil ngalahin public inggirisu..yeah..top markotop lah..hMm,tp stlh final champion league 07/08 kmrn,saya jadi suka sm Owen Hargreaves.knp?dy SABAR bgt!

